Geoff Groberg


Gratitude 9: I am thankful for libraries and great books.

Here's and idea:
Let's gather all of our best stuff in one place. Let's build one of the nicer buildings in town and put it all in there along with some comfy furniture. Let's make sure there's a bunch of nice, helpful people working inside, organizing everything and adding new stuff constantly. And let's allow anyone to come in and enjoy everything. Actually, let's get crazy. Let's just say that anyone can take anything they want home with them. And let's make all of this totally free for everyone.
Libraries shouldn't work, but they do.
The only thing libraries don't have is cats. But we keep one of those in our home library.
You can get all kinds of cool things from your local library. I checked out a metal detector recently. But my favorite things are the great books. Not the ordinary books, but the great ones. Way too many to mention here. But I love it when someone recommends a great book, so PLEASE do that in the comments.
Great books take you to amazing places. They teach you. They entertain you. They are like salt and pepper to the meat and potatoes of life.
My great book pick for autumn and winter: The Wind in the Willows. It's as close to magic as anything I've ever read.
Special shout out to the alluring Jennifer Giles Groberg who volunteers at our local library. She told me when we got married: Hey, what would you think about reading a book together every night before we go to bed?
← Previous Gratitude 8: I am thankful to have lived in Japan. Next → Gratitude 10: Like Gru, I am thankful for my 3 girls.